5 Reasons IBM Power7 Is The Right Choice For Your Company

There are a dizzying array of options in the world of server systems. However, one name still stands above all the others: Big Blue. IBM has maintained its edge in business systems over the years, and their current line of IBM Power7 servers are easily the best on the market. Here are five reasons why:

It supports any OS your business might need. Unix, Linux, AIX, IBM i, os/400, and Windows are all supported by the IBM Power7 architecture. (Windows compatibility also requires a Blade server, however.) Moreover, it can run multiple OSes at the same time on multiple partitions, making it truly flexible and ready to adapt to your own infrastructure.

  • It has the best security in the server world. IBM Power7 has its security built into the system at the microcode level, integrated into every aspect of the system, rather than using a bolted-on outside system. Further, their PowerVM virtualization system has never had a reported security vulnerability.
  • Greater uptime means greater productivity. Thanks to its security and built-in intelligent threading, the Power7 is remarkably stable, boasting an average uptime of 99.97%. This is one of the best uptimes in the server world, and helps guarantee the Power7 will be working when you need it.
  • It has a remarkably low TCO. The total cost of ownership of an IBM Power7 system is lower than any other in the industry. With smart self-management systems and superior energy efficiency, you’ll get the absolute most from your hardware budget. Further, given its stability and security, you won’t have to worry about lengthy outages costing you money.
  • It’s easy to install and easy to upgrade.  The Power7 server solutions are all designed to be as user-friendly as possible. They come in compact, rack-ready packages, and can be installed into your existing systems within minutes. They’re also designed to be simple to upgrade, supporting up to eight cores, so they can expand alongside your business.

Incidentally, do you remember last year when IBM won Jeopardy with its “Watson” computing system? Watson was built out of Power7 technology, made of ninety Power 750 server units working in parallel. While your business may not need that kind of power, it demonstrates just how flexible and powerful the IBM Power7 system can be.

With its flexibility, security, scalability, and ease of use, IBM Power7 servers are easily the best choice for your business.

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